roy-sac's avatar


Carsten Cumbrowski
220 Watchers480 Deviations

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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (62)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Legacy Beta Tester: Thank you for your help over the years!
My Bio

I am an ASCII and ANSI text artist and co-founder of the "scene" art group Superior Art Creations (SAC). I was active in the computer art scene, demoscene and the warez scene between 1992 and 1998. Roy was my "handle", but I am better known in "the scene" as Roy/SAC, because of my ASCII and ANSI text art work.

I was between 1995 and 1997 the sysop of my own bulletin board system called "Closed Society". The BBS had at the end 5 nodes (4x ISDN + 1x 28.8kbit modem) and was running on OS/2 and PCBoard. I have a site dedicated to ANSI and ASCII art at [2], which also double-functions as SAC homepage since 2007.

I was born in East Berlin/Germany, the ex-communist part of Germany called East Germany or GDR (German Democratic Republic). I was 15 years old and in the 9th grade when the "Berlin Wall fell" on 1989-11-09. I moved to the United States on 2000-05-15 and live now in Fresno/California.

Current Residence: Fresno/CA since 2000 - bin aber immer noch nen Berliner
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Favourite genre of music: EBM/Industrial, Electronics, Techno, Rock/Punk
Favourite photographer: my dad (I would get in trouble if I say something else)
Favourite style of art: ASCII Art, ANSI Art Operating System: Windoze XPert?! Pro (only usable by Professionals)
MP3 player of choice: Winamp, Media Player and still looking for a replacement for iTune to handle 30+ Podcasts
Shell of choice: I hate seafood ;) (Wink) .. kidding ...
Wallpaper of choice: Rooms: plain white, Computer Desktop: plain black
Skin of choice: my own skin. I don't like to be in the one of others ;) (Wink)
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny knows everything
Personal Quote: Impossible is not possible. You can ICAN too

Favourite Visual Artist
Dream Design (pixel art/amiga) , Jed, Peachy, Black Spyrit, J.o.e., Angel Dawn, Alyn, Edlo
Favourite Movies
The Terminal (because I know how it is), Tron, Spaceballs, The Professional, Payback
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
VNV Nation, Depeche Mode, Vangelis, Die Toten Hosen, Shakira, Rammstein, J. M. Jarre, Proj.Pitchfork
Favourite Writers
Douglas Adams, Gert Prokop, Rainer Fuhrmann, Marion Zimmer Bradley
Favourite Games
Web-Browser Extreme - Memory Leaking TOO, Past: Lucasarts Adventures, Doom, Supaplex, HOMM3, FF X
Favourite Gaming Platform
some times Personal Computa / PS2
Tools of the Trade
TheDraw 4.63 , Deluxe Paint 2.0 PC / 4.0 Amiga, PSP 4.3
Other Interests
Internet Marketing, Web Development, SQL DB, Wiki, Art, Movies, Reading
No post in a long time. Well :)I created a new group in DeviantArt, which was approved by the staff. I invite all my friends and visitors to my page to join it and to contribute to it. The group is titled "Oldskool-Art". What is the group about? Oldskool scene art, underground (Piracy/Warez scene) and "above ground" (PD - Public Domain).Pixel art, ANSI art and ASCII Text art (including Petscii and Atascii) from the 8 bit machines like the commodore 64 (C64), Z80, Atari 800 XL(E) etc., 16 bit machines line the Commodore Amiga 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 600 AGA, 1200 AGA, Atari ST, Atari Falcon and the good old IBM PC...
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This question might seem sound stupid to some of you Photoshop Pros, but I have a little problem, which I never thought could be a problem, just to find out that there would not be a quick and simple answer as I would have expected. ..I already hear the first shouts of "Stop talking in riddles and ask your god d*$m question already!" so I will get straight to the point.I would like to use a brush... one that does not automatically anti-aliases, one that does not use varying intensities based on "pressure" and all that fancy stuff. NO,  a brush that lets me set ONE pixel (or may be even 4 (2x2) and so on and so fourth) ... in the color that...
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I finally did it! It just took me 3+ years or so. All SAC art pack releases can now be enjoyed by anybody who is interested in it directly from the web browser, no special plug-ins other than Flash are required. I had to convert everything into web compatible formats to make this possible.  :thumb31058375:For all of you who hate reading, check out the video that I created to show off the new stuff. You can find the video embed in this blog post of mine about the release . The SAC homepage was up for a long time already and had a little bit of art content but SAC members produced several thousand pieces of ANSI, ASCII, VGA, Tracker Music ...
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Profile Comments 568

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Thanks for keeping old-school art alive!
Hi Carsten - I wanted to visit your website to see your font-related work, but I get a warning from Google about malware being on the site. Do you know what's going on? Figured I should at least give you a heads-up about this.
Hallo Roy,
Du hast hier sehr schöne ASCII Logos hergestellt!
Meine frage an Dich , würdest du eine Full ASCII nfo gegen entgeld machen ?

Es git wenige leute die das sehr gut können !!

Würde mich auf eine Nachricht freuen !!
Moin Jeroomi,

Wenns fuer was nicht kommerzielles ist, dann kostet sowas auch nix :). Was fuer nen ASCII brauchste denn?

Hey RoY!

...immer noch produktiv im Sector OldSkool :D - greetz...
naja... ein bisschen  :)