I am an ASCII and ANSI text artist and co-founder of the "scene" art group Superior Art Creations (SAC). I was active in the computer art scene, demoscene and the warez scene between 1992 and 1998. Roy was my "handle", but I am better known in "the scene" as Roy/SAC, because of my ASCII and ANSI text art work.
I was between 1995 and 1997 the sysop of my own bulletin board system called "Closed Society". The BBS had at the end 5 nodes (4x ISDN + 1x 28.8kbit modem) and was running on OS/2 and PCBoard. I have a site dedicated to ANSI and ASCII art at RoySAC.com [2], which also double-functions as SAC homepage since 2007.
I was born in East Berlin/Germany, the ex-communist part of Germany called East Germany or GDR (German Democratic Republic). I was 15 years old and in the 9th grade when the "Berlin Wall fell" on 1989-11-09. I moved to the United States on 2000-05-15 and live now in Fresno/California.
Current Residence: Fresno/CA since 2000 - bin aber immer noch nen Berliner
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Favourite genre of music: EBM/Industrial, Electronics, Techno, Rock/Punk
Favourite photographer: my dad (I would get in trouble if I say something else)
Favourite style of art: ASCII Art, ANSI Art
Operating System: Windoze XPert?! Pro (only usable by Professionals)
MP3 player of choice: Winamp, Media Player and still looking for a replacement for iTune to handle 30+ Podcasts
Shell of choice: I hate seafood .. kidding ...
Wallpaper of choice: Rooms: plain white, Computer Desktop: plain black
Skin of choice: my own skin. I don't like to be in the one of others
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny knows everything
Personal Quote: Impossible is not possible. You can ICAN too