Rowz-vamp's avatar


Time stays, we go
220 Watchers248 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (660)
My Bio
Dinosaurs by Trapiki RAWR by prosaix Love Stamp by Kezzi-Rose I Talk to Myself Stamp by Latias-Flyer
SAY NO TO RACISM by Numizmat I love Lions by WishmasterAlchemist .Photography Love. by PixieRiot

Mai nessuna foto renderà giustizia al tuo sorriso quando esplode all'improvviso sul tuo viso. :heart:
{Art. 31

Fighting for peace is like scr*wing for virginity.
{George Carlin

Nothing can ever happen twice.
In consequence, the sorry fact is
that we arrive here improvised
and leave without the chance to practice.

Even if there is no one dumber,
if you're the planet's biggest dunce,
you can't repeat the class in summer:
this course is only offered once.

No day copies yesterday,
no two nights will teach what bliss is
in precisely the same way,
with precisely the same kisses.

One day, perhaps some idle tongue
mentions your name by accident:
I feel as if a rose were flung
into the room, all hue and scent.

The next day, though you're here with me,
I can't help looking at the clock:
A rose? A rose? What could that be?
Is that a flower or a rock?

Why do we treat the fleeting day
with so much needless fear and sorrow?
It's in its nature not to stay
Today is always gone tomorrow

With smiles and kisses, we prefer
to seek accord beneath our star,
although we're different (we concur)
just as two drops of water are.

{Nothing Twice, Wislawa Szymborska

:thumb99857041: Dark Brotherhood stamp by Oktanas Silly Yoshi Stamp by Latte3000
I love red stamp by violetsteel No war by Destruktive Smile Stamp by najmo

:bulletred: Please, ask me BEFORE using {as group icons or anything else} my photographs.
Thank You.

:bulletred: :bulletred: :bulletred:
Current Residence: between Udine and Rome :heart:
Favourite genre of music: punk, punk-rock, rock
Favourite photographer: :iconannie95: and many others ;)
Personal Quote: I'd like to create a kind of suspended dimension into a real unreality.

Favourite Movies
Tim Burton's ones, Hannibal Rising, V for Vendetta, Howl's moving Castle, Inception
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Green Day, Clash, Rancid, Anti-Flag, Cattive Abitudini, Scacciapensieri, Kinks
Favourite Writers
Giorgio Faletti, Annie95, Luigi Pirandello, J.D. Salinger, J.R.R. Tolkien
Favourite Games
Skyrim! ( Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin... xD )
Favourite Gaming Platform
my mind
Tools of the Trade
my camera, pencil, mad ideas
Other Interests
photography, music, cinema


0 min read
Non so dove i gabbiani abbiano il nido,  ove trovino pace.  Io son come loro  in perpetuo volo.  La vita la sfioro  com'essi l'acqua ad acciuffare il cibo.  E come forse anch'essi amo la quiete,  la gran quiete marina,  ma il mio destino è vivere  balenando in burrasca. Vincenzo Cardarelli
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The Sea

0 min read
Di tutti gli angoli del mondo Amo d’un amore più forte e più profondo La nuda spiaggia in estasi e la duna Dove mi unii al mare, al vento e alla luna.Odoro gli alberi la terra e il vento Che la primavera colma di profumi Ma io vi voglio solo e solo vi procuro La selvaggia esalazione delle onde In ascesa verso gli astri come un grido puro. Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
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The Rules: * The first 10 people can be featured by commenting on this journal. Then I will choose the three deviations I like most from their gallery and will put them on the list below!* If you comment, you have to do the same in your journal, putting the tagger (me) on the first place.* The idea of this is not to get a free feature, it is to spread art around for everyone!1. :iconlou2209: 2. :icon scullfase :    3. :iconxXsugar0cubeXx: 4.5 .
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Profile Comments 11.1K

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Buon compleanno!
Happy-Birthday-cake3-150px by EXOstock
Thanks for the fave on Drifting! :sun:
Buon compleanno, cara!
The January Rose by DamaInNero
E ' per gli artisti , soprattutto italiani .:coffeecup: rvmp
thanks for faving again=)
Thanks a lot for the fav!