tileable texture: wooden floorrotane on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rotane/art/tileable-texture-wooden-floor-18627796rotane

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rotane's avatar

tileable texture: wooden floor



A tileable wooden floor texture for you to use freely for anything you like (be it commercial or non-commercial). No further permission required! You are however required to give credit according to the Creative Commons licence (i.e. link back to either me or this deviation).

I'd appreciate it if you sent me a note, comment, or e-mail if you're going to use it, so I can add you to the list below – if you so desire.


Source: 1536x2048 px
Camera: Minolta Dimage Z1
Shutter speed: 1/50 second
Focal length: 8 mm (51 mm quiv.)
F-number: f/3.2
ISO speed: 50
Flash: no
Tripod: no
Date taken: 2005.05.22 1924 CET
Location: Graz / Austria

People who have used this texture (as far as i know):
KnuxTE in www.deviantart.com/deviation/2…
arcticTransfuse in www.deviantart.com/deviation/4…
LittleFear in littlefear.deviantart.com/art/…
truejoker1130 in youtube.com/watch?v=LV9RdT0BQu… (Video on YouTube)
JoeCool42 in joecool42.deviantart.com/art/T…
LittleFear in littlefear.deviantart.com/art/…
Hermux-Tantamoq in hermux-tantamoq.deviantart.com…
gyiikz0r in gyiikz0r.deviantart.com/art/En…
Kara1984 in kara1984.deviantart.com/art/Gl…
Nickie9164 in fav.me/d3b1ak3
MichaelAtaraxia in fav.me/d5nbxvx
SuicideOmen in fav.me/d8sgihs
SuicideOmen in fav.me/d8tsokd
Image size
1200x1200px 464.24 KB
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