Crazy Amazing Art 33

7 min read

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Roses-to-Ashes's avatar
We have had a break in the stupid cold weather, so I decided to go through and tidy up some flower beds. Remove leaves, weeds ect. and to my shock, most of my Daylilies have new growth, my daffodils, crocus & tulips have sprouted, and my stargazer lilies have popped up to!! I think they are jumping the gun. While I am eager as the next person for spring, this is way to early! It still get below freezing at night.
Anyway, sit back, relax and enjoy some of my recent faves!!
Hope you enjoy!

Engraved Ruby - Jeweled Rose by BlvqWulphRed plumbago 3 by FrancescaDelfino
frozen cells by arbebuk
Lycaena tityrus:. by efelineGraveyard of Dreams [+Speedpaint] by yuuike
Chrome by endprocess83

Poppies on a decline by hitfors
Forest 8 by LillianEvillIcy Days by FlorentCourty
Teeny Tiny by Sheila-M-CarloTemperate Dawn II by EtherealSceneries
Silhouetted Supercell by FramedByNature
Flower within a flower by Alexey-Kljatov
-The road of seraphines- by Janek-Sedlar
Arcturus II v4- SOLD by YouniquelyChicDreaming in the Rain by John-PeterEpimetheus v4- SOLD by YouniquelyChic
Frozen 5 by Nikanticordechasse
delicate web by Megsonitzi bitzi spider by Niophee
crimson raindrops by Vacantia
* * * by aloner777
Descend by FlabnBone
Starry sky by Antz0
621 by Gelu509

Shameless Self Promotion

Frozen World by Roses-to-Ashes
Freezing by Roses-to-AshesThe Forest Within by Roses-to-Ashes

Want to get featured in my next crazy amazing art feature? donate any amount of spare points :points: to get a feature!! Help me keep my premium membership.

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funkichkn's avatar
This is a gorgeous feature Adrienne! :wow: Thank you so much for including my photo! :hug: :heart: