Rose-Layon's avatar


36 Watchers36 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Varied
  • Dec 28
  • Netherlands
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (11)
My Bio

Style: manga
Obsession: Japan
Work: programmer

Favourite Visual Artist
Natsuki Takaya
Favourite Movies
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Favourite TV Shows
Dexter|Misfits|IT Crowd
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Jonathan Coulton|Emilie Autumn|Jack Johnson|Vivaldi|Whatever
Favourite Writers
J.K. Rowling
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Friends, Manga, Games, Books

Gothic Lolita

0 min read
I stole an other thingemy :DRULES: 1. Put Your itunes, windows media plyer etc on Shuffle 2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS 4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name 5. Tag 6 people. ----------------------------------------------Are you male or female? The ballad of captain robertDescribe yourself! Pas de Cheval (no horse? a stumble? hmmm...)What do people feel when they're around you? With Every Passing DayDescribe your current relationship. God Help Me (yes it is tha...
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Manga Meme

0 min read
I wanted to do an other meme :D and I found this one :)Made by :iconWelfinas:Name 8 manga series that you are reading or that you have read:1. Fruits Baskets 2. Fake 3. Yellow 4. Death Note 5. Wild Adapter 6. Gravitation 7. Hero Heel 8. Saiyuki1.Between #3 and #6, which is your favourite manga and why?Yellow! Gravitation is cute, but a bit chaotic at times... And I don't like Remix and other new parts... And Yellow has a great plot, is beautifully drawn and I love the characters :D2.Between #2 and #8, which is the one you hate the most and why?Oh... I can't answer this! I love them both! But if I had to choose I'd go for Fake, because some...
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Question Meme

0 min read
I wanted a new Journal and searched on meme, because I was to lazy to think of something on my own :P I found a Question-Meme generator in :iconmct421:'s gallery :)Here it is:1. Have you ever been in Leonie's house?Yes, she's my sister, we live in the same house :D2. Would you love to read Robin's very personal diary?I don't think he has one :P But if he did... I would like to read it (I'm the curious type) but not without his permission, because everyone needs his/her privacy :)3. Would you marry Iris?Ha ha, no. That would be too weird... she's my cousin :P4. Who does Mike like?That's easy, his girlfriend Janneke :D5. What do you think ab...
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Profile Comments 48

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Ik heb het paard met potlood gemaakt. De eendekop ook. De eend met houtskool geloof ik en de helm met potlood...als ik het me goed herrinner (hoe schrijf je dat woord?????).
Volgens de van Dale herinner :D
Thank you =] I'm a little bit obsessed with Japan, and you took a beautiful photo of it =]
Thanks so much for the :+devwatch:! Are you in Japan right now? How are you liking it? What's the strangest thing that you've seen? (sorry for so many questions)
Your welcome! :)

I'm not in Japan right now, I wish I was... I was there on vacation a year ago, together with my sister and it was so great! :D I saw so many beautiful temples, the people were so friendly and the food tasted great. (Especially the curry rice, I love that!)

It's hard to say what the strangest thing was that I saw, because I saw so many things. But I think it were the deer's of Nara, because they weren't afraid of people at all and would eat anything you had, if you let them ^^
That sounds fun! I've never been to Japan, but maybe one day I'll vacation there! Lol, I'll make sure to stay away from teh deers.
Oh, if you have the change you should definitely go!

And the deer are really cute and funny! I saw a girl who was getting her picture taking with a deer and the deer secretly ate her ticket to a temple she kept in her back pocket, without her even noticing :D