Rooster-Teeth-Club's avatar


Cinnamon! No!
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Rooster Teeth shuts down, and its shows like RWBY r removed from WB! Please click here NOW!

After u read and understand, sign my petition and then also share it w/ all ur friends and followers (even ur family too probably).

greetings my dear Rwby fans, you may not know you but i know rwby, that is why i am hosting a new event, one that will make everything cannon, it is called RWBY FOREVER!!!!
RWBY Forever by HanasiaYamoshiSSjGOD
this is a multiverse level event, so no matter what happens in your universe, i wanna make it cannon, worlds like Remnants and RW3Y will be apart of this, but i ask of you to share with me your own ideas or own world, if so please comment down here or in the link, i await to see what worlds we can find together
Thank you for request my artwork of Neo , I'm trying g to get my artwork out there and gain more watchers
Is anyone willing to share Carolina deleted scenes from red vs blue ten years box anniversary?
So, I do interpretations of the human soul. Would it be okay if I joined and submitted what I believe the guys's souls look like?
i was wondering if some of you my fellow deviants have an oc who still doesn't have a group or group is still incomplete, maybe my oc can join? hihihi. 
I accidentally submitted artwork that's not Roosterteeth related. You can remove it from the group.
Sorry about that.