:ninjatag:ronnietheoutlawtorn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ronnietheoutlawtorn/art/ninjatag-59740948ronnietheoutlawtorn

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Daily Deviation

July 14, 2007
It's not entirely clear what :ninjatag: by ~ronnietheoutlawtorn's is trying to communicate with his urban outsider art, but he sure looks smooth communicating it. Love the stealth rope drop. Love the brick wall. Love the shades of blue.
Featured by livius
ronnietheoutlawtorn's avatar




This is only the second emoticon that I have created. Honestly, I hate the process (cause I use Photoshop), but I love the final product. I will have countless hours of fun by just watching it.

As for the emoticon itself, it is an inside joke. I promised it to a friend awhile back and finally got around to finishing it. The story goes like this: Paul (my good friend), had begun to use the phrase "Bam! Herpes" for everything. Even in class, when one of us proved a point to the teacher, you'd hear "Bam! Herpes". (A few times near the end of the year his cell went off, and the ringtone was a loud "Bam! Herpes. Bam! Herpes. Bam! Herpes. Ohhhh...") I had promised to make him an emoticon awhile back, and just now got around to it. But anyway, he had started a conversation on a web community (somethin like the ones where a gamer would have an account and every comment by every person was meant to be a joke ending with "Bam! Herpes", in doing so he replicated Family Guy, just for the hell of it. View it here . So I decided to make it into an emote, with a ninja as the culprit (just wanted to show the gangsta side of the ninjas). Oh, and by the way, my favorite one of the jokes he posted online was "My father came back from prison after doing 10 years because of child molestation, and BAM! Herpes."

And that's the explanation I assume most of you were looking for. :)

Frames: 134
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© 2007 - 2024 ronnietheoutlawtorn
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stealthprogress's avatar

This is a great addition to your gallery. haha - great job!

What'd you use to make it? PS?