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God Save the Romanovs :) 
Дай Бог! w00t! 

Привет из Сербия
what's with this person in this group posting obvious fake photoshopped (or another program) pictures of Olga's head imposed upon her own body and trying to claim that is her today? I thought this group was for real Romanov pictures from their lifetime. This person even claims to BE Olga (as in reincarnated). 

I worry about people and their minds now and then....... Not beliefs, mind you, but going as far as using a picture editing program to do what this user did here. 
Hello there, sorry for such a late reply,

this group is for ANY Romanov-related artwork on this website, which is not offensive to the Imperial family or any of our members. While I personally do share your sentiment of disbelief in any "past-life" claim (and my, have I seen dozens of such claimants already) I am not in a position to talk anyone out of it, and since the artwork in question does not break any rules and is Romanov-related, then there is no valid reason for me or other admins to ban it from our group.

I hope that these posts do not turn you off from your interest in the Imperial family and hopefully will not drive you away from the group!

Best regards
No, it will never drive me away, don't worry <3 
What picture are you speaking of? I must've missed it or something.