4 min read

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RomanorumCamena's avatar

Today's feature is clocks, or... rather time.
Time is either a best friend or enemy, especially to love.
We don't take risks and we lose our chances, we're selfish and don't make the time for someone else.. then we lose them.
Think about your time with more sense, leave selfishness behind and take chances.
Time waits for no love


Definitely time for tea by Mimi-93 11: 42 by bittersweetvenom Wig in a Box by punkshits
Time Travel by Sortvind 22. :Unfeelingness: by bittersweetvenom
:thumb120895088: Timeless by Kezzi-Rose 1-365 Time of my life. by ByLaauraa
Time After Time by AlicjaRodzik The loving time by Alephunky :thumb128600757:
T clock? by Vanishing-S Clock by fL0urish a clock by leeface
that clock by tsulnagrom Watch Out by RomanorumCamena :thumb132679064:

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