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Gopnik and SFM



Gopnik is a pejorative term and a social slur used in Russia, post-Soviet countries, and Israel to refer to aggressive young lower-class suburban male dwellers (usually under 30 years of age). coming from families of poor education and income, somewhat similar to British chavs or neds subcultures. The female form is gopnitsa, and the collective noun is gopota. The gopnik stereotype includes predominant use of underworld mat slang, flagrant disrespect for the laws (such as mugging and beating up passers-by; public consumption of alcoholic beverages, most usually – the least obvious "Jaguar" cocktail) and love for snacking on roasted sunflower seeds while remaining squatted. Fashion preferences include flat caps, Adidas tracksuits and dress shoes, often cheap and obvious counterfeits. In the winter, a leather jacket and a "gondonka" (a beanie or knit cap) are added to a typical Gopnik's attire.
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