AviatorRoggles on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/roggles/art/Aviator-134080023Roggles

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Roggles's avatar




yeah... just decided to do a bit of painting XD...
havent done it in a while 8S

hope you like it ^^;

sorry this piece wasnt planned at all lol... so it looks rushed.
i might make another version once i get my head around xD....

EDIT: fixed color temps
EDIT2: worked on it more, flipped the image horizontally.
Image size
815x850px 497.61 KB
Β© 2009 - 2025 Roggles
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ProphetStorm's avatar
DANG. I have seen arm cannons in my day, but that puts Cobra, Samus, even Megaman to shame. I can't imagine the recoil on that thing--must be why he's bandaged his shoulder, right? :-D (Cricket...cricket...)
In all seriousness, I love this pic. The atmosphere and the guy's attitude are perfect.