Sonic dissected 7Rogerregorroger on DeviantArt

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Sonic dissected 7



Part 1: [link]

Part 2: [link]

Part 3: [link]

Part 4: [link]

Part 5: [link]

Part 6: [link]

Part 7: [link]

Part 8: [link]

Part 9: [link]

Part 10: [link]

Part 11-1: [link]

Part 11-2: [link]

part 11-3: [link]

Part 11-4-1: [link]

Part 11-4-2: [link]

Part 11-5-1: [link]

Part 11-5-2: [link]

Part 12: [link]

Lost world special:[link]

Part 13-1: [link]

Part 13-2: [link]

Rather Amy Rose dissected this chapter.
Ever since Sonic heroes, all our heroes got brain damage, especially Shadow, Eggman and Amy. Tough where Shadow got redemption from Sonic 2006 on, and Eggman occasionally has his moments, Amy has gone completely off the rails.

So let's take a look at her character before she turned into into a character from a Stephan King horror story.

All footage used from Sega.
Also Castlerock/Nelson entertainment and Disney for one picture.
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550x400px 19.11 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Rogerregorroger
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GrandMetroViper's avatar
In terms of Sonic Boom (Rise of Lyric specifically) I actually thought they fixed her character from what happened to it in the main series games. They did.....until you figure out how token she was and then get sad on how horrible her character has become. The main series Amy is the most basic character you can find as I'd say all they did is look at Sonic CD and say "she chases Sonic" and stop right there not realizing how it worked in Sonic CD. I didn't know how you can make it worse and I saw people say things like "at least she's no longer Sonic obsessed" when Boom was first being shown that's not an excuse for a bland female character who is a MAIN character we have to deal with for the game. They made her a joke basically