Sonic dissected 5Rogerregorroger on DeviantArt

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Rogerregorroger's avatar

Sonic dissected 5



Part 1: [link]

Part 2: [link]

Part 3: [link]

Part 4: [link]

Part 5: [link]

Part 6: [link]

Part 7: [link]

Part 8: [link]

Part 9: [link]

Part 10: [link]

Part 11-1: [link]

Part 11-2: [link]

part 11-3: [link]

Part 11-4-1: [link]

Part 11-4-2: [link]

Part 11-5-1: [link]

Part 11-5-2: [link]

Part 12: [link]

Lost world special:[link]

Part 13-1: [link]

Part 13-2: [link]

Again, this is the twin brother of chapter 4, so it's mostly Sonic adventure 2 versus unleashed. Oh my.
Biggest chapter yet, so be warned.

Footage used from (Sega)
(Square Enix)
(Nelvana Limited/Ellipse Programme)

Pictures from
(Warner Bros)
Image size
550x400px 25.3 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Rogerregorroger
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GrandMetroViper's avatar
Simplicity is a wonderful thing but handled poorly can make a deviously misleading. Flaking off any semblance of seriousness in turn for comedy doesn't make a simple story it just makes a boring mess in my opinion. That's the ONE problem I have with modern Sonic stories especially with Sonic Boom for example. 

Now with plottwist I see it the same way with an annoying character......the audience needs to be less aware of the plot twist for it to have a greater effect. Just throwing them at you with no warning is also a VERY bad thing because there's no build up in addition to them no being plottwist in the first place.