Sonic dissected 10Rogerregorroger on DeviantArt

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Sonic dissected 10



Part 1: [link]

Part 2: [link]

Part 3: [link]

Part 4: [link]

Part 5: [link]

Part 6: [link]

Part 7: [link]

Part 8: [link]

Part 9: [link]

Part 10: [link]

Part 11-1: [link]

Part 11-2: [link]

part 11-3: [link]

Part 11-4-1: [link]

Part 11-4-2: [link]

Part 11-5-1: [link]

Part 11-5-2: [link]

Part 12: [link]

Lost world special:[link]

Part 13-1: [link]

Part 13-2: [link]

Thanks to :iconluke-the-f0x: as usual as my partner in crime.

And today's guest, :iconsalacommander:

Wasn't sure if I should name this an official dissected episode, since we talk a lot Around the Sonic games here instead of about it..Ah well.

So, in this episode, we answer some mail, talking about a wild variety of things.
Myeah, sorry it took so long, with Christmas and a whole ton of real life assignments I got I don't have that much time lately.

Thanks to Sega for most of the footage.
Additional credit to Nintendo, Depuis, Disney, Square Enix.
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550x450px 19.75 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Rogerregorroger
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Dr-InSean's avatar
Two years late to the party, but this is a fan-fudging-tastic series!  You see so many videos out there about how much Sonic sucks anymore and that nobody cares about his stories, but devoting an entire show to such THOUGHTFUL and INTERESTING analyses on just the stories is like an addictive substance for me.  Bravo!

I think this episode actually has the only thing I haven't 100% agreed with you on yet; namely, that the comic writers wouldn't work for the games.  There's a million reasons why writing games would be different from writing comics and if this was still the Adventure Era, I'd agree that there's no chance in Iblis that an Archie or Fleetway writer could write for the games.  The way the franchise is now, however, things seem much more flexible.

Sega seems to have given up on making Sonic relevant to Japanese players and seems to be focusing on just making him a Western household name by this point, even going so far as to get specifically-Western writers to give Sonic and friends a specifically-Western treatment.  Meanwhile, the Archie comics have become pretty much wholesale focused on making their comics more like the games, going so far as to dig up HUNDREDS of obscure references to old Sonic media and modeling characters closer to how they'd appear in the games.  With Sega's focus on Western audiences and Archie's focus on game media, it seems like they could probably work something out where the next game they design could actually benefit from a more focused and Sonic-educated writer (Archie only seems to have one guy writing all their Sonic stuff at the moment).  I'm sure the writer(s) would have to play by much different rules than they're used to "back home," but part of being a professional is learning to work with your boss's rules, so I can't imagine it'd be impossible for them to adapt.  The fact that Sega doesn't seem to care about what happens in the stories anymore and that comic writers are no stranger to having to meet executive demands don't seem to be bad omens.

Sadly, I don't know anything about the Fleetway comics, let alone if they're even still printing.  They may not be as good a fit for the games as the Archie crew, at the moment.

...Of course...You made this video two years ago.  The Archie Comics weren't as game-focused back then and your opinions may have changed by now...And there was that whole "Sega fired a bunch of their American employees and is completely refocusing their Sonic initiatives" incident only a few months ago...So, I guess this entire post was pointless.  Whoops.