Final Fantasy 7 in 3 minutesRogerregorroger on DeviantArt

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Final Fantasy 7 in 3 minutes



Fresh from [link] Coolape.
Really bothersome, both the Coraline movie and this one's original files were damaged all of a sudden because of a broken USB stick. So I had to redo a lot of stuff, which is why there might be a few changes in this flash.

Yah, so this is Final fantasy 7 in 3 minutes, or rather, Final fantasy 7 as told by someone who hasn't played the game in 10 years. So I might got a few details wrong, but mostly I'm quite sure 99% of all the plot happens because ,or is solved by, a big explosion.

And of course I had to mention the second worst videogame ending ever. My prize for the really worst RPG ending ever is still for Phantasy star 2. Ugh.

Thanks to Rugal and Stephany and Zody and Molly for voices. Final fantasy 7 is property of Square Enix and all that.
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Zeldafan77's avatar

Okay Roger, you made one on VII, but you aren’t going to do one on IX?

IX is so overhyped because of Nostalgia shills, it’s full of tons of issues that are overlooked, here is one of the biggest ones:

Garnet: 1) Runs away from home because she's afraid her mother is trying to kill her and take over the world

2) Risks the lives of many, many people and causes numerous deaths along her flight from the castle (yes, I count all those Black Mages on the ship as deaths)

3) Upon arrival in Lindblum suddenly proclaims that she refuses to believe her mother is evil and trying to take over the world, despite proof of her unprovoked attack on Burmecia, the slaughter of Black Mages, and the attempts to kill the kidnappers

4) Runs all the way home because apparently she wanted to just talk to her mom and DRUGS AND ABANDONS ZIDANE: the guy who loved her

5) Through her stupidity, she gets captured and tortured. Millions of people die from the results of her entirely preventable course of action, and just to rub salt in the wound, she never gets called and chewed out on any of this, especially not by Zidane who should very rightfully be furious and upset with her, after all all he did for her only for her to blow him off.