Current Residence: Oss, the netherlands
deviantWEAR sizing preferenceL
Print preference: Printers that work
Favourite genre of music: Movie themes, or eurobeat
Favourite photographer: Peter Parker
Favourite style of art: Chibi ish
Operating System: Punchingbag
MP3 player of choice: Cheap ones, they break so easy.
Shell of choice: Those chocolate bon bons shells.
Wallpaper of choice: A T-rex fying a jet.
Skin of choice: Scar
Favourite cartoon character: Gilder from Skies of Arcadia, he's cool.
Personal Quote: Or something.
Sonic the hedgehog characters need human feet in the games tv shows comics and movies
Sonic characters need human feet in the games tv shows comics and movies
Made a post on your Sonic 1 video and I stand by what I said. Also, i've played Sonic 16-bit many, MANY times, so the 8-Bit stuff is a rather neat touch since I don't play that as often.
Still, I think you can still use this DA page to link to the videos that are just uploaded on your channel. Kinda like some promo art to advertise the cartoon in question.
I got in trouble for doing that years ago when I temporarely moved to sheezyart because of music copyright headaches. Not allowed to do that.
Good thinking tough
Got my own internet again. Okay, it's the household that got the internet, but at least I can access your cartoons and works without having restrictions on what I can watch from you.
Of course I have a youtube channel to record retrobat sessions on. Although I got comfortable with the real name after having a furry save me when I needed him the most, Let's just say his fox has plenty to say and I'll leave it at that.
Okay, Fensky has plenty to say since he and I trust each other enough. But other than that, that his fursona species would be the sole hint as to who he is and why he is someone I can trust well.
But if I want something, I'll see what deal we can make as long as I have enough cash to do the Super Thanks needed to pay you in dead presidents.
...No reason, just wanted to share the good news and all.
Alright, congrats on getting your own internet again. Always nice.
Hope you're having a good time of the year.
And the same to you my good man.