Hello there. I'm Roel. I'm a web developer and flemish amateur writer. I like creating stories and doodling my ideas. You'll find those here. I also really love browsing through art and this website still seems to be the best place to tap into a steady stream of great art. Somehow.
I've got a gallery where you can see my dorky sketchbooks, if that interests you => here
I also have some tumblrs:
- My drawings: https://roelifant.tumblr.com/
- My writing: https://zielsvlucht.tumblr.com/
Hi thanks for the watch! very kind! I'll try to show you something new and interesting (I hope XD) as soon as possiblehave a good day, bye!
thanks for the fav, I hope you'll enjoy even the rest of my gallery, have a good day, bye!
Thanks for the favs! You have wonderful favourites folders :o
Your birds are beautiful glad I found them
Thanks I like sorting stuff and I think it's a shame to favorite something and then throw it into a big pit of favorites with all the others only to never look at it again. Social media is pretty bad like that. So I like putting favorites into different folders so I can re-visit them from time to time it's a way for me to engage more with the art I find, and enjoy it more.
Thanks for the fave!
Thanks for the fav!
Thank you for the ⭐️