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Unlikely Flyers



This one is on me!
Back to the basics. Following the success on the prehistoric dragons, I was suggested to make a flying dicynodont.. which is one of the most unlikely thing to fly, and that way got the idea of making a little composition with some of the most unlikely animals that could develop flight.
We have a dolphin.. which was meant to be a baleen whale. But it looked too unlikely.
Now a baleen whale that floats upside-down like a zeppelin is SO much more likely. ... right? .. right?
Then there is a jiraffe. Hey if Azhdarchids could fly, I don't see how jiraffes couldn't...
So yea, I could have tried harder with the backstory and actual evolutionary path.
An elephant. I made it look sort of like those little ancient elephants. It could use some better tail support though.

This was a fun little excersice, you know?
So I know that people on DA likes to duct-tape wings on all kinds of animals, but trying to adapt a creature into flight takes more of a large-scale body restructuring, you have to look for places in which to attach muscles, create a good lift area, etc.

Do as I say, don't do as I do.
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Aloe-Illustromic's avatar
I love the giraffe one! Very cool!