Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a child I grew up with a passion for animals, dinosaurs, creatures and the art, games and toys depicting them that stayed with me for my entire life.
I cut my teeth as an illustrator at the age of 16, while still at school, working at the Bernardino Rivadavia Natural Sciences Argentine Museum. I continued to work in scientific illustrations through many years to come and published in a variety of instalations and publications including the National Geographic Magazine.
Over time I started favoring game art and media, and majored in game design. I worked on a host of independent games and even some small assignments for notable titles such as Paizo's Pathfinder and Riot's League of Legends.
Today I still take jobs in scientific and educational material, editorial fiction illustration and concept art, illustration and 3D texturing for all sorts of games and entertainment media while still pushing to develop my own original IPs for personal projects.
Happy early birthday!
Tu trabajo es tan bonito <3
Gracias! : D
Excelente pregunta! Yo creo que es una propuesta muy interesante. Efectivamente la "gigantotermia" como se la conoce permite por ejemplo a la tortuga laud habitar aguas frias en los mares del norte y en aguas profundas y frias. Así que... quien sabe? Quizás para animales marinos es más facil migrar, habria que ver que pueden hacer los especimenes jovenes antes de alcanzar las dimensiones que les permitan resistir el frío. Hibernan? migran al norte para reproducirse?