Wight Folk Page 118 - Under another sunrodrev on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rodrev/art/Wight-Folk-Page-118-Under-another-sun-868047557rodrev

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Wight Folk Page 118 - Under another sun



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Wight Folk Page 117 - Vargheim by rodrev   Wight Folk Page 119 - Tax reforms by rodrev
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MviluUatusun's avatar

There's one thing about most sci-fi art that has always bugged me.  Those artists don't realize that aesthically pleasing buildings aren't very efficient and I'd like to believe that the more civilized we become the more efficient we become.  A square/rectangular building will fill a space more efficiently than a curved one will.  Rick, obviously, doesn't realize this.  That would explain how he feels at home on Vargheim.