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December 8, 2014
Monk - Diablo 3 by rodg-art

A dynamic piece with great perspective, details and lighting.
Featured by TheCreativeJenn
Suggested by lovelessdevotions
rodg-art's avatar

Monk - Diablo 3



Another Diablo 3 fanart I did.
Hope u like! ^^


The first one

If u dont mind, give me a like here: [link]
Image size
882x591px 353.77 KB
© 2012 - 2024 rodg-art
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Bristock's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

In my opinion, your perspective is great. It leads well to a feeling of movement. Looking upwards, almost wide angle, and the character in this pose, gives a sense of movement.

The vertical pillars are awesome - it ads to that wide angle feeling. The character pose is spot on. Very nice.

The character itself is well done. She has a good natural look. The clothing looks real. The armor is appealing. The detail on the armor is very nice. I love it. I'd love to a see a 100% crop of the arm band, to get a gander of all that detail. It looks impressive.

The floating documents with motion blur, also ads to the sense of depth, as well as movement. Good props to add to the scene.

What I actually like very much is the speckles in the air, near her coat tail (bottom right) - I like it. It looks like something that flew off her coat (dust/water droplets) and got lit in the sunlight.

The tones are good.

The only thing, and this could be my personal taste here, is that I feel the colors blend so much from the character to the background that there isn't a lot of separation. Maybe a stronger contrast in color might be nice. Or maybe that would not work. It's hard to be certain just thinking about it. I dont think you could push the color of the coat much more then it is. But maybe the skin tones could be bumped a bit. I really can't be sure i'm even right about the tone, I'm just thinking out loud.

Overall - awesome work. I like the hair. I struggle with hair. In fact i have a piece on deviant art and I'm struggling with the beard. You did a great job with her hair.