YOU are featured! ~goldhamster

2 min read

Deviation Actions

RockLou's avatar
This is the nineteenth in a series where I feature my watchers! I talk about the featured deviant, link to some of what I think is his/her best work, but since I don't own a subscription I can't post thumbnails.
Be sure to follow, because who knows, next time it could be YOU!

-Truly one of my favourite photographers! He's a very proffesional one, and a guy I've known for a long while! Often when I see photography I think 'hey, I could do that!' which is why I recently started with macro photography.
But this guy is just too proffesional and awesome! I have no idea how he pulls it off!… - What to say? Cute, cuddly and an incredible shot!… - It's so perfectly shot, it reminds me of the sun. It looks so golden and... shiny :P… - When I think goldhamster's gallery, I think of this photo. It was the first one to catch me eye, and it's definetely by far THE best photo of a cheetah I have ever seen!… - The depth in this one is spectacular! The composition is great as well, it's a perfect shot.… - It looks modern, and abstract. An interesting image.… - The greaet outdoors have never looked better.

© 2009 - 2025 RockLou
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fanloo4u's avatar
these shots are amazing! i have no idea how you couldve gotten that shot of the cabin...
y'know, i feel compelled to thank you for doing this, rocklou. even though you probably won't be getting to me in a long time from now, it's extremely kind of you to feature us all. some people really need this kind of recognition, y'know?
so, from one "loo" to another, thanks a bunch dude.