Cosplay Automail Tutorial 1rockinrobin on DeviantArt

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Cosplay Automail Tutorial 1



WOOOW this was super exhausting to make. but I hope it will be worth it and be helpful to many people? please let me have some feedback! it is greatly appreciated and I always read every single comment. thank you!

here is the process we used to make the automail seen here:

it is made out of craft foam, clay, and paint. it is fairly cheap to make, and much more comfortable to wear than an automail cosplay made of metal.

this tutorial will cover the entire automail arm and leg except the shoulder.

part 1: materials & supplies
part 2
part 3
part 4
Image size
652x2100px 531.8 KB
© 2011 - 2025 rockinrobin
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GingerLuna's avatar
How much of the craft foam is needed for just the arm and the hand, would you say?