ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
A pause For thought.
:thumb178784955::iconshakecancerplz: This is not the sort of thing I usually post on my journal but when I read it it struck a chord with me so felt the need to share it, plus I needed to get rid of the bloomin Halloween journal. :iconslowpatplz:Originally posted by :devphotoswithattitude:"Did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the one who takes care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most? Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and Help me. Sometim...
Dreamarians Halloween Hoo Doo Contest!
:thumb178784955::iconshakecancerplz: :thumb325784902: :iconpumpkin-plz: :thumb325784902: :iconpumpkin-plz: :thumb325784902:It's been a whole year since the last one but the talented Simone :devdreamarian: is holding another Halloween Hoo Doo contest.There are prizes and features up for grabs plus an additional contest hosted by the group :iconDraw-Along: for which you would need to be a member.Both contests are for traditional art so get your pencils sharpened or you brushes cleaned and start doodling.Full details on both these can be found on Simone's journal here: :iconpumpkin-p...
Brief Update Updated
:thumb178784955::iconshakecancerplz:Dear fellow scribblers, paint splashers and pastel dust snorters,My deepest appyollogies for being so tardy in my replies and attendance here on dA, I've not deleted any comments nor watchers new posts and will slowly get round to responding and fav'ing shortly.Things are improving my end daily and I hope to be running on all 4 cylinders in the next couple of weeks as I miss bugging and annoying you all.:mwahaha:Due to the current popular and growing trend in fake art on dA I've decided that my time would be better spent learning PhotoShop and removing all my current work from my gallery. From what I ha...
Brief Update
:thumb178784955::iconshakecancerplz: HEALTH: Taken a nose dive. MOOD: Disillusioned by a few rather blunt remarks regarding my humour and silly comments. ENTHUSIASM: Non-existent. PROGRESS: Not held a pencil in 5/6 weeks. STRESS: High.No, I'm not depressed and don't suffer from depression, just letting those who might have wondered why dA's been a nice quiet peaceful place lately know that they are safe for now.No comments required and I hope I'll be up to replying to the pile that's built up in my inbox.Take care allGary :icontimmy64plz: :thumb178784955::iconshakecancerplz:
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