Cherry BoxRockinfroggi on DeviantArt

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Cherry Box



This is no work of art and quite poorly finished but was made about a year after coming out of a long stay in hospital so I had not held any tools for around 4 years at this point.

Made with cherry, birds eye maple, boxwood and ebony.
Image size
1397x1114px 220.22 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Rockinfroggi
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cloudmilk's avatar
You know what? This should have been my job if my father had let me .When I was 14 it was the one and only thing I wanted. I still wish I could learn, but no time, no space and no teacher for that. I just wish I could produce such things with my hands. Never mind, maybe some time I'll go to sculpture.

I love this box and the style of it. :nod:
Does not look like being made not having hold tool for 4 years. :no:
Have you made other of these since?