Reserve Indian
From the white man's greed
Reserve Indian, I empathize your plight
Restrictions, special conditions
What the colonists did to you
That mock you and put you behind modern society
I do not blame your cause, what you stand for
Whites, yellow and black races
Aren't they also living on a larger reserve?
Called a 'Federal Reserve' ?
Slaves to the grind and dependent on money credits?
Reserve Indian, how many of your ancestors and people endured
The harsh invasions and conditions by those sent to the Americas?
That brought forth violence, plunder, rape, theft and murder
How fast the history and media forget your plight oh dear Native
How your inner beliefs, faith and understanding of this world
And the knowledge and wisdom of the spiritual world and it's universe
Was taken away, of no importance to callous, thoughtless invaders
By it's organized and indoctrinated power-hungry brainwashing religion
Reserve Indian we have not learned from you at all, your vision
We are but ignoramuses and