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Daily Deviation
August 31, 2011
=Scorpion81 said: "The animation is sooo smooth.. D: And it fits perfectly to the theme of the contest its for. c:"
`SanguineEpitaph said: "There is no doubt that this animation is executed flawlessly. I have no words, as it is truly a masterpiece. :) I love the concept and the use of water (a difficult substance to animate for some) in various forms. "
=ClefairyKid said: "This is an amazing emote, it's filled with incredibly smooth animation and extreme creativity with the inclusion of so many forms of water."
*spring-sky said: "The animation is smoothly fluent ..and the artist did a great and creative job in showing the different states of water "
=Scorpion81 said: "The animation is sooo smooth.. D: And it fits perfectly to the theme of the contest its for. c:"
`SanguineEpitaph said: "There is no doubt that this animation is executed flawlessly. I have no words, as it is truly a masterpiece. :) I love the concept and the use of water (a difficult substance to animate for some) in various forms. "
=ClefairyKid said: "This is an amazing emote, it's filled with incredibly smooth animation and extreme creativity with the inclusion of so many forms of water."
*spring-sky said: "The animation is smoothly fluent ..and the artist did a great and creative job in showing the different states of water "
Featured by Krissi001
Suggested by Scorpion81
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For =BlissfullySarcastic's contest.
176 frames, rushed the entire thing due to running out of time
There's an effect you might not be able to see due to dA's background boo~
176 frames, rushed the entire thing due to running out of time

There's an effect you might not be able to see due to dA's background boo~
Image size
90x120px 42.37 KB
© 2011 - 2025 ROBlNHOOD
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The piece was very well inspired and perfectly made. The animation is smooth as ice (pun intended <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt="

However, I regret to say that I think the melting stage could have been smoother and that is the only reason I gave a half-star shy of full for Technique. Though, I do understand as you had to rush it, yet still managed to maintain a great level of quality in work, which reflects very well indeed.