Robert Rath collects hyphens. Currently, he's an illustrator-designer-author-art director-dog walker living in the Big Sky Country. He loves to draw just about everything, and he's illustrated many children's books and comics. His clients include Scholastic Books, Lucasfilm, Toys R Us, The History Channel, and many other magazines, publishers, and universities. He loves to cook, watch the pheasants in the field behind his house, and teach art at his kids' school. He isn't allergic to anything, can wiggle his ears, but never remembers birthdays or the names of subdivisions.
Current Residence: Big Sky Country
Favourite genre of music: Too many! All genres have good stuff.
Favourite photographer: Steichen
Favourite style of art: Too many!
Operating System: Mac -- hopefully a new one soon!
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Shell of choice: Conch
Wallpaper of choice: 50s with stars and rockets
Skin of choice: We're all the same
Favourite cartoon character: Fleisher Superman
Personal Quote: "Enjoy Every Sandwich" -- Warren Zevon