Hey everyone; Robert here. I meant to get this update posted toward the beginning of the year, but as we’re all well aware in 2020, extenuating circumstances are the new normal.
Anyway, I’m here to announce a few things. First, as you may have noticed a while ago, I’ve tweaked my branding a bit. It’s no longer “Robert L. Lynch Art and Design”, it’s “Robert L. Lynch: Building Worlds” (I’ll explain the meaning behind it here in a second). It’s not a total revamp of my 2018 circle design, but it’s been tweaked to more accurately reflect my goals.
What’s the reasoning for this? Well, for that I have to to get a little personal. I’ve been pretty open about my struggles with depression and anxiety over the years, or at least I’ve never particularly tried to hide it. I’ve historically had my ups and downs, which ranged from panic attacks at work and suicidal thoughts at the lowest to maybe a general malaise at the best. Recently however, (within the last year or so) I’ve been able to