Weather Station 6-SRobCaswell on DeviantArt

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RobCaswell's avatar

Weather Station 6-S



Here's a bit of "proof of life". I'm alive... I just haven't been doing much art, and thus haven't been spending much time on DA. That'll change... just not sure when. Anyway, I watched "The Martian: Extended Edition" last night w/ friends and it gave me an art itch I needed to scratch. Comm tower and terrain by Petipet, Rover by DzFire, suits by Xurge3d and Shukkey. Rendered in DAZ Studio 3, mucked with in Photoshop.
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1270x1150px 302.85 KB
© 2016 - 2025 RobCaswell
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mPmDetroyat's avatar
This one, too, has a Syd Mead feel to it, also.