RobCaswell on DeviantArt

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RobCaswell's avatar




This is an image of an Imperial Rampart Aerospace Fighter from the Traveller RPG universe. I tweaked the design in many areas - mostly the nose and wing pods - to try and give it a bit more sense of being a "fighter" than a 50's winged rocket. This image is actually set during the Rebellion period of civil war and this craft is operating under the flag of Empress Margaret.

This was publishing in... er... maybe the MegaTraveller Basic Set? So long ago.... it was a GDW product, I at least know that ;P Pen and Ink on illustration stock.
Image size
1100x910px 257.97 KB
© 2011 - 2024 RobCaswell
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Traf-al's avatar
This illustration might have been in an issue of Challenge.  I'm positive there was an article about the Rampart, so maybe it included this.