BB - CloserRobbuz on DeviantArt

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BB - Closer



You wouldn't believe how f*cking scared I was when I accidentally zoomed straight on his face :XD:
So, seems like my inspiration never fails to visit me when it comes to draw Beyond Birthday, wonder why XD
On another note (I know, lame pun), I saw a lot of people complaining about and the low quality of the stories in it. Believe me, it's nothing compared to the shit you can find in a fanfiction site pretty famous in my country...I'm sure I saw a pregnant Beyond and some Mary Sue making him act like a geisha and it's something you wouldn't want to see/read.
And they were NOT parodies.

So, I wanted to make a dark, somewhat scary picture just to remind myself how Beyond was supposed to be. :XD: Hope you like it!:heart:

Beyond Birthday from Another Note:The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases ©NisiOisiN, Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata
Image size
600x800px 334.62 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Robbuz
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Ollmart's avatar
I love your Death Note drawings! Keep it up!