RMirandinha on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rmirandinha/art/Supermassive-Galaxy-167319480RMirandinha

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RMirandinha's avatar

- Supermassive Galaxy -



“ Somewhere hidden in the Universe, a Massive Galaxy with a size never seen before, containing several other groups of normal size galaxies in it, something even more impressing than this, is happening there right now:
A planet orbitating the galaxy towards its center, due to the galaxy extreme brightness, replacing the need for a close star, was allowed to have the conditions to life, in different forms than earth. The advanced civilization that live on that planet, evolved in a rather quick way, they´re “God” ( supposed to be in the core of the supermassve galaxy) was always since the beginning in a “partnership” with science, unlike humans, so religion work´s together with science to always achieve progress.
They’re objective is to reach the core of the galaxy, due to their religious motives.”

yeaaaah XD

I started doing this image without anything in mind, and in the midle of the galaxy making i suddently remembered that phoenix-06 as an awesome one in this perspective, so i used - fav.me/d1h8y6e - since there as my inspiration, but i think its pretty obvious :P
it aint nearly as good as phoenix piece but im very proud of it :)

Check im out :iconadamburn: he is one of the greatest artists here on dA

I know the name sucks... give me a better title if you can :D

also, used this amazing spaceship stock from :iconmesange-bleue-stock: check im out, some awesome stoks there, thaks alot :)

[EDIT] - Submited as a print due too request :D added simple signature
Image size
3543x2362px 5.65 MB
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hectorvanarhost's avatar

Wow, I love the way you