So, this has been an interesting year. In January my fiance and I went to California, visited family, went to Disneyland, and finalized some wedding details. We were supposed to get married in July, but that was postponed for obvious reasons. We moved from Boston to Philadelphia in August so I could begin a Masters program in Costume Design at Temple University. Most of my classes are online, of course, and no shows are happening. At least not in a way that requires costuming. Also we got Covid in September, and thankfully have both fully recovered. In the last few years I mostly did children's theater, and so don't have all that much that I'm able to share from between getting my BFA and now, but I'm working on submitting more Deviations. However, now that I'm back in school I should be producing quite a bit of art, and will upload as I go. Oh, and also we got a cat.