Splatter Design PackrjDezigns on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rjdezigns/art/Splatter-Design-Pack-348328229rjDezigns

Deviation Actions

rjDezigns's avatar

Splatter Design Pack



This artwork is free for personal and commercial use with a few restrictions. No attribution is strictly required, but please be fair as it's always nice to be given credit for your hours of hard work.

Full stock rules: [link]

Files included: EPS version 08 and Illustrator CS.


*I’d appreciate it if you’d leave me a comment with a link to your deviations as I'd love to see where and how you use my stock! :aww:

*Please provide me with a link (either in a note or comment within deviantART) as to where you have used my stock resources outside of deviantART whenever possible. If you do not have a deviantART account, please email me the link at rjdezigns.art@gmail.com.

*If you would like to feature any of my resources on your website, please do not link directly to the resource zip files. Instead, please link to the appropriate page within my deviantART account where other users can find their download.
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Nice pack! I want to be able to create such a cool materials! Thank you!