Greyscale Gradient Pack1Rizl4 on DeviantArt

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Rizl4's avatar

Greyscale Gradient Pack1



Hi all, i just finished my second gradient pack
This pack contains again 16 new gradients for you to play with. If you use these please show me what u used it for.

*!!!*Rules of the trade*!!!*
- Free to use anywhere
- Commercial usage allowed
- Link to my site ([link]) if u like them

*!!!* Where can i download these?*!!!*
To download these you must go to my site.
Then sign up for a free members account,
this will give you access to all downloads on my site.
Then go to the gradients section.

- My site: [link]

Enjoy them ;)
Image size
400x600px 56.17 KB
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Nice gradient set. But why do we need to go through an MySQL setup just to d-load your work?

Seems like a scam to me.