My name's Rixks, and I'm an amateur artist looking to hone my skills in a medium that I'm quite fond of. I drew off and on over the years here and there, but now I'm taking it all head-on and want to make my dreams in art a reality!
Current residence: Spokane, WA - The most beautiful, and most boring place in the inland northwest.
Favorite musical genre: 80's and 90's hits including early grunge/grunge/grunge metal, along with video game/anime soundtracks.
Favorite art styles: Anime, Realism, Conceptual, Provocative, Anthro
Operating system: Windows 7, because that's all I have on the computers that I use. And Macs suck.
MP3 Player: My Ducking Phone.
Favorite ficitional/cartoon character: Sonic the Hedgehog
Personal Quote: The only person in your way is you.