Rixks's avatar


I'm just an artist for fun.
11 Watchers101 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Mraaoww! by Rixks, visual art

Artist // Student // Varied
  • Nov 28, 1987
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (57)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

My name's Rixks, and I'm an amateur artist looking to hone my skills in a medium that I'm quite fond of. I drew off and on over the years here and there, but now I'm taking it all head-on and want to make my dreams in art a reality!

Current residence: Spokane, WA - The most beautiful, and most boring place in the inland northwest.

Favorite musical genre: 80's and 90's hits including early grunge/grunge/grunge metal, along with video game/anime soundtracks.

Favorite art styles: Anime, Realism, Conceptual, Provocative, Anthro

Operating system: Windows 7, because that's all I have on the computers that I use. And Macs suck.

MP3 Player: My Ducking Phone.

Favorite ficitional/cartoon character: Sonic the Hedgehog

Personal Quote: The only person in your way is you.

Favourite Visual Artist
Tyson Hesse, Der-Shing Helmer, J. B. Villalobos, Kentaro Miura, Hirohiko Araki, Eiichiro Oda
Favourite Movies
Anything by Hayao Miyazaki or Mamoru Hosoda.
Favourite TV Shows
Columbo, Cheers, Fraiser, One Piece, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Archer, 90's Cartoon Network/Toonami, 90's Nickelodeon
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Rage Against The Machine, Faith No More, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Pearl Jam
Favourite Books
I only read art books.
Favourite Writers
Stephen King
Favourite Games
Minecraft, Pokémon, Ultra Street Fighter IV
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC...because consoles are overrated.
Tools of the Trade
Wacom Cintiq 22HD, Wacom Intuos Pro, Wacom Intuos3, SAI, pencils and pens. Oh yeah-don't forget the paper in the sketchbooks!
Other Interests
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Not dead!

0 min read
Making a post after some odd 5 months. I'm now employed and working like I've been wanting to the past couple of years. The job hunt wasn't easy, but I needed to gain a little bit more control over my life. Bought a shiny new Intuos Pro, and I'm in the process of building a brand new computer for my art/gaming endeavors.Not much else to say, other than I've been practicing my ass off, got shot down by a girl I liked at work and hours for employment are steady. I've also since been in a life drawing class at Spokane Art Supply. I haven't had much time to browse the store but they might have a few things I like in there. I'll have to wait un...
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Jeez Louise! I haven't posted anything in word form for months! Anyway, there's been a ton of different things happening within that time period that I'll briefly cover some of what's been happening:- Obviously the release of Pokemon Bank was delayed, and that drove me insane since I wanted to bring all my bros to Gen 6, not to mention my 6IV Ditto that use for breeding--which is piss easy now, btw. Got that taken care of, but in lieu of that driving me up the wall the following happened.- Discovered my biological dad is alive and kickin'; he's just been under the radar for a long time, but unbeknownst to me he made a LinkedIn page and my ...
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Profile Comments 14

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I'm your third watcher apparently. *dance*
I guess so! :P
Does ye have Staem?
I do. Except I haven't used it in awhile, since my gaming computer died about a year ago. I should have access to one soon, though.
Around this time of year, People get together and celebrate the holidays. People smile and laugh and enjoy the company of those they love. But some lack the joy in the holidays, For several reasons. I believe everyone deserves to smile this holiday, I know you and others may be missing out and need a lil pick me up, So heres my thanks to you for staying strong! Happy holidays my friend! You deserve to be happy! -Tricky
Thank you for the consideration. I appreciate it!