I've been tagged!It appears I've been tagged by :iconRevyRainbow141:1.) You must post these rules2.) Answer the ten questions the person who tagged you made and make up your own 10 questions for the people you tag to answer 3.) Choose ten people and put their icons on this journal4.) Go to their pages and inform them that they have been tagged.5.) Not something stupid like 'you are tagged read this.'6.) You have to legitimately tag 10 people7.) No tag backs8.) You can't say, no tags9.) Everyone that has been TAGGED must make a journal entry.RevyRainbow's Questions.1.Do you have a favourite OC couple which you ship: this can be your OC with someone else's OC, or your OC with a canon character.I'd probably have to say I don't have a favourite OC couple.. I like cannon shippings better 2.Do you have a favourite video game?Yep; either The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess or Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon3.Do you watch an