riskybiznez on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/riskybiznez/art/Liger-Zero-Y-322376660riskybiznez

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riskybiznez's avatar

Liger Zero Y



Resubmitted original file for proof of ownership. This image, as well as many others from Kotobukiya's Mercy Rabbit, pixiv artists, and older 3D art from Rei K. Here's the eBay seller who stole the art to make money from it: [link] Please file a report and the seller's listings are full of other stolen art merchandise.

Please check my latest DA account *AuroraLion for a journal including links to the art work originals as proof when creating a report.

Thanks, riskybiznez/ AuroraLion
Image size
1024x768px 393.65 KB
© 2012 - 2024 riskybiznez
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zoidsfan77's avatar
Whoa! This is yours! I've been a big fan of this image for a long time! Totally awesome!