Legend of Derpy - Friendship Tracks V 1.1RiouMcDohl26 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rioumcdohl26/art/Legend-of-Derpy-Friendship-Tracks-V-1-1-499677574RiouMcDohl26

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Legend of Derpy - Friendship Tracks V 1.1



So here is it: my first atempt to do a full picture. I'm still learning how to use the shading and there isn't a background yet, but I wanted to show you the first part of a work that took me almost all the afernoon xD

And yes: this is based on Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks (did I mention that I love Zelda games AND I love Trains? xD)

UPDATE: Fixed some minor errors and added a bit shading to Macdolia and Derpy. Also removed the black lines from both.

Macdolia is owned by me and :iconmoekonya:

Derpy and the Friendship Train is copyright MLP:FiM / Lauren Faust
Image size
1410x895px 251.17 KB
© 2014 - 2025 RiouMcDohl26
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