Rinkujutsu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rinkujutsu/art/Vinyl-over-foam-tutorial-Edward-Elric-automail-519374274Rinkujutsu

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Vinyl over foam tutorial - Edward Elric automail



Beware of massive file size!  I finally got around to writing a tutorial on my method of vinyl over foam!  This is the technique that I used on the automail for my Edward Elric cosplay.

Bullet; Green Here are the links referenced in my tutorial:

4-way stretch vinyl link:


Amethyst Angel automail tutorial and patterns:


Bullet; Red If there is anything that is confusing or needs to be clarified in this tutorial, let me know so I can make it better!

Bullet; Blue I would love to see anything made with this tutorial!  Link to any creations made with this tutorial in a comment so I can add it to this post!

Please like my Facebook page:

Please don't edit or use this photo in any other way without permission from me.  However, I do not mind re-posting as long as full credit is given and there is a link to my page.
Image size
1000x6965px 943.82 KB
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Smokeywulf's avatar
Thank you thank you thank you! I have been looking for this like forever (Amethyst's pattern) :D
I look forward to trying out your instructions soon.