MLP - Lost on an Island (Page 24)RingTeam on DeviantArt

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MLP - Lost on an Island (Page 24)



Translation in english:

Personal driver- Hey, Octavia.
Octavia- Hmmh?
PD- You've received an anonymous present.
O- Really?
PD- If your mother had seen this, she'd throw it away.
O- "For the peevish preppy, because you wanted it." Who has got my address?

*She sees the word Chopin. She's amazed*

O- It must be that waltzes!

*"Chopin's mazurkas"*

O- I have already this disc... but I appreciate the gesture.

What do you think about all this comic? Please let me know it.
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Kahum's avatar
Encantador... se me cae un lagrimon.