MLP - Lost on an Island (Page 12)RingTeam on DeviantArt

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MLP - Lost on an Island (Page 12)



Translation in english:

Octavia- Huh? Where does this music come from?
Mozart- You should know it, Octavia. You dream with me every night.
O- MOZART! This dream should be real.
M- I get the hint.
O- Oh, Mozart, you're incredible!

*Well, outside of the dream...*

O- C'mon, Mozart... sit down on my chair and ride...

*And then... WUB WUB WUB*

Ever see the awesome movie Amadeus? He's exactly like in this comic.

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DarknessRissing's avatar
se puede decir que Octavia tiene un sueño muy (lentes obscuros)harmonioso