MLP - Lost on an Island (Page 11)RingTeam on DeviantArt

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MLP - Lost on an Island (Page 11)



Translation in english:

Vinyl- And then, the preppy becomes deaf, was taken to the medic and didn't shout revenge against me. Cool, huh?
Octavia- Vinyl, are you conscious that what you did could cost this travel and even our new house? Have you ever even use your head?!
V- C'mon! What's the worst thing that could happen to us? They left us in the ocean or on an island?
O- I don't wanna think about it. Well, let's sleep. AND PUT ANOTHER SHIRT, YOURS SMELLS VERY BAD!
V- But I use it for everything!

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ScottWolf's avatar
Welp. Now we know why they're on an island.