MLP - Friendzone is over! (Page 12)RingTeam on DeviantArt

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MLP - Friendzone is over! (Page 12)



Translation in english:

Twilight- Why have you done fly my library?
Pinkie Pie- Because I wanted go to space.
T- That doesn't make sense, crazy!
Spike- Could anyone just untie me?

T- And how have you done it?
PP- I'd like yo tell you, but we are out of fuel.
S- No, they doesn't listen me. Women...

PP- Ehm, Twilight, ever saw the ending of Crank?

Sweetie Belle- Look, Rarity, a shooting star! Make a wish!
Rarity- Spike... (yes, she has that damned jewel)


PP- Well, that was fast.
T- You two... if we're gonna get out of this... you're gonna be screwed.

This is the second last page of this comic. When I finish it, I'll put the order of all the pages.

I hope you like it. Please leave a comment about what do you think.
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