MLP - Friendzone is over! (Page 10)RingTeam on DeviantArt

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MLP - Friendzone is over! (Page 10)



Translation in english (I'll do my best, this is gonna be a big text. If you detect an error, please tell me about it and I'll edit it):

Twilight- You're not gonna get away from this, Spike, after all what you've done.

Spike- Well, as I can see, you're pretty good. What does have the medic told you? How do have your... you know?

T- The medic said to me this morning I can go home, after have been suffering so many obscene jokes for months. It still hurts me when I walk, but after that I went to the library and Pinkie told me you've sold it for a damned jewel for Rarity.

S- Sneak...!

T- You have one second for telling me what does Pinkie do in MY library.
S- I-I-I don't know...

Voice of Pinkie Pie- BYE, EQUESTRIA!
Twilight & Spike- *?*

That page was really funny to drawing, specially the Spike with the rope. xD

I hope you like it. Please leave a comment, specially for the translation that I did for english people. Maybe I was wrong with an expression.
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Montiessor's avatar
What happened to Twilight?