MLP - A Canterlot WeddingRingTeam on DeviantArt

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MLP - A Canterlot Wedding



So, yeah, this is mine.

TIME: 6-9 hours.
PROGRAM: Adobe Photoshop CS6

A Cantelot Wedding maybe doesn't has a great story (sincerely, is like The Little Mermaid) and it has a bit of plotholes (Shining Armor the only friend of filly Twilight? What about Cadence?). But this is one of my favourite episodes of all the TV show. Because it has a great climax, some great songs (This Day Aria and the reprise of BBBFF) and the queen Chrysalis. She's the typical villain (not like Discord for example), but I love her art design. It's very powerful for a colorful show.

I hope you like it.
Image size
5100x7008px 10.12 MB
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Honestly speaking, i didn't liked that episode. If the others have heard twilight's warnings, queen chrysalis would never have the chance to win.