I know I should update my journal ... I mean, the last time I added in an entry here was april ... I really dont know what to type in here cept maybe I'll just update a little bit on the entry "things I want to do before"
Currently I'm learning how to ride a bike. I guess it was pretty impulsive of me to just go ahead and register for it but I did it :P And right now I'm on my practical lessons already. It was kind of nerve wrecking when I had to ride it on the circuit with other learners (motorcycles and cars at the same time) And the first time I got flabbergasted and forgotten to brake to slow down while going round the bends and when a
Some dreams are nice to dream. But sometimes to achieve a dream ... one have to wake up ... I'm still dreaming ;)
My List
1. Travel to france
2. Learn how to ride a bike and owning one
3. Live overseas for a little bit
4. Become a travel show host (like the travellers)
5. Join a talent contest and sing .. sing .. sing
6. Write a book
7. Learn another language
8. Make a short clip movie
9. Set up a make over francise
10. Learn a musical instrument
Well, intangible or no, this is my (incomplete) list with some of the things I would love to do (and some of the things that would only happen in my dreams)
So what's *your* list?