Rina8 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/rina8/art/Remus-Lupin-x-Dora-Tonks-151562151Rina8

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Rina8's avatar

Remus Lupin x Dora Tonks



'till death do us part..

no, they're not sleeping (on a stone floor, yeah right!), they're dead :(
when I was reading Harry Potter, I didn't really care about dumbledore or anyone else dying, the people I was really sad about, were lupin and tonks. finally a cute couple, and then they died!
I think they were found like this, together, with smiles on their faces, because even death can't keep them apart.

somehow, this pic just came to me when I was cycling home, and it was so easy to make, made it in about 3 hours!

song: every song about (true/eternal) love
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1000x800px 406.67 KB
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TonksLupin123's avatar
AWWWW I love it!