Hello, I thought i'd inform the people here that I take Art Commissions on ko-fi.
Please read the terms of service here, they're elaborate and should answer most, if not all of your potential concerns, such a do's and don'ts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10LbxYIvnwayKKCXKUW4kUExVDLohWgypYsOLwzG2-M4/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.yg0v53blg44j
Once you've read, Commission Me here: https://ko-fi.com/actualevil/commissions
Types available
The 5 slots are universal, meaning commissions close if 5 are taken regardless of commission type requested.
When commissioning, make sure to tap the correct add-ons.
Character FullbodyStarting from 75 Euro.
ToonchibiStarting from 50 euro.Character HeadshotStarting from 40 euro.
Pen Bust SketchStarting from 12 euro.ChibiheadStarting from 23 euro.
Please preview the entire gallery here: https://ko-fi.com/actualevil/gallery
Contact & Such.
Please contact me through ko-fi messenger if you've send me a commission.For any questions you couldn't